Recently we have rescued a boxer mix from LA county shelter. He was very scared and nervous around other dogs also had a separation anxiety. one of my friends who is using Mj’s pet grooming told me about the CBD product they sell. After visiting their salon and speaking with MJ I was convinced that I should try the CBD oil for Rocco. now its about 2 months that we are using the 500ml CBD oil and its very clear how calm and relax he is which makes it very easy for us to walk him around the neighborhood. I highly recommend it for any high stressed dog
Lorenna Taylor
The Baxter is 19 and could barely walk, he was having difficulty climbing stairs, falling and unable to jump. I started saving for…. Well you know. Well now after 2 weeks of using MJS Pet CBD he’s not only walking around but I have a video of The Baxter Jumping over the Cat Tunnel and running around playing, climbing and…. Whew it’s Awesome…. TY